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The canine version of New Zealand's got talent
The Black Hawk National Dog Show is set to take place at the Vodafone Events Centre in Manukau on 6th - 8th October 2017.
Over the 3 day event, 1500 entries of purebred dogs representing 101 different breeds from across New Zealand and Australia will be embarking on their campaign to take out the coveted Best In Show title at this prestigious event. In addition New Zealand's finest trained dogs will be competing for the esteemed Test C Obedience title.
This dog extravaganza also provides Dogs New Zealand with the opportunity to showcase other exciting initiatives including the Canine Good Citizen™ and Heelwork to Music (Dancing with Dogs) programmes. Wrapping up the event will be the presentation of the National Junior Dog Handler title with the winner representing New Zealand at the World's Largest Dog Show, the famed Crufts 2018 being held in Birmingham, England.
The National Dog Show is Dogs New Zealand premier event of the year, and promises to be a spectacular parade providing fun and entertainment for families and dog owners/lovers alike with competitions, pet care and grooming demonstrations, trade stalls, dancing with Dogs and Agility displays to keep audiences of all ages entertained.
VENUE Vodafone Event Centre is located at 770 Great South Road, Manukau.
HOURS 8:30am – 4:00pm daily. Doors open to the public at 9.00am each day. Heel Work to Music will follow breed judging on Friday and Saturday. Best In Show will commence at approx. 3pm on Sunday.
PARKING The Vodafone Event Centre car park is a Pay and Display: from $4.50 per day.
DOGS please do not bring your dog with you to this event. Dogs are not permitted through the public entrance.
BREED JUDGING is on the website which will guide you if you wish to see specific breeds or obedience competitions.
TRADE STALLS There will be a variety of trade and service stalls in the foyers and the marquee.
Adults $10, Kids (under 12) $5. Under 5's Free
Family Pass - 2 Adults 3 Kids $20
Further information - If you require further information please email Christine Wood on
Pet friendly Accomodation
Looking for Accomodation
Pet friendly accommodation in the Auckland Area. See attached pdf for contact details.

Discounts available
Travelling to the National Dog Show 2017
Take advantage of our great Kennel Club Member only specials... Driver goes FREE
Visit here to book and get your discount.
To learn more about dog showing - read our show booklet