Introducing our National Dog Show Judges for 2017....
Gerardo Paolucci (Argentina)
Gerardo is an Allbreeds judge for the FCA and FCI. He is approved to judge all breeds and Best in Show.
He currently works for the Argentinian National Government as an Animal Welfare consultant and he is the President of the FCA Judges Board.
Gerardo is a breeder, exhibitor, handler and groomer with more than 280 championships shows under his belt to date.
Specialising in the sporting breeds such as Afghan Hounds, Schnauzers, Bearded Collies, OES, Neapolitan Mastiffs, Labrador Retrievers and many other breeds as well. Gerardo has judged in all continents, since gaining his license in 2004. He has judged at The World Dog Show in Argentina and also judged BIS at the Royal Hobart in Tasmania and Perth, Australia.
He has represented Argentina around the world as a breeder and handler, achieving Argentina’s first Best In Group in the USA.
He is a recognised breeder of World Champions in all of his breeds, including the English Setter, Old English Sheepdog and Miniature Schnauzer under his Kennels, BIS, BISVAR and BRAVA’S. His dogs have obtained first place in all breeds four times, ranking in Argentina and foreign countries, winning BIS in USA.
Gerardo also proudly breeds Miniature Schnauzers and Cairn Terriers and his dogs are number one in his country. Gerardo is also making great inroads with his French Bulldogs with consistent wins.
When he is not travelling the world judging Gerardo gives seminars at the FCA. Gerardo also finds time to be one of the three members who examines future judges for the FCA. “I consider myself as a true dog person and have dedicated my life to the dog world.“.
Ramon Podestá (Chile)

Ramon has owned and bred numerous champions including Latin American, North American, English, International and World champions.
He has had great success breeding and exhibiting. He has bred Best In Show winners with German Shepherds, Afghan Hounds, Beagles, Whippets, Borzoi, Old English Sheepdogs, Dobermanns, Dachshunds, Chow Chow, Irish Setters, Weimaraners, Dalmatians, Maltese, Pekingese, Standard/Miniature Poodles, Siberian Huskies and American Cocker Spaniels. Also Best In Specialty Show Afghan Hounds in Chile, Argentina, USA, UK, France, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Russia and many other countries.
Breeder of Top Dog All Breed in Chile from 2012 to 2016, he is breeder of number one Afghan Hounds in England 2010/11, Argentina 2015/6, Brazil 2012, France 2016, Mexico 2016, Sweden 2016 and Uruguay 2014/15.
A former member of the Scientific Committee of the FCI, he is a past President of the Kennel Club of Chile. He founded the Pekingese Club, Working Dog Club of Chile and is also a honorary member of Kennel Club of Chile.
He became an Allbreed Judge in 1978 and has judged worldwide, including all Latin American countries, USA, Canada, UK, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, Oceania and many European countries. Judging at World Dog Shows, European Championship, Royal Shows and Asian International Dog Shows. Ramon Podestá is the top breeder in Chile, having the top dogs in the country and holds the unbeaten record of the most bred by Best In Show Winners.
Nancy Maralyn Popovich (Canada)
Nancy has been involved in purebred dogs for 45 years, successfully exhibiting Airedale, Wire Fox and Lakeland Terriers under the Samaralyn Reg’d banner. Owned, handled and conditioned, all her champions were multiple group winners and nationally ranked top five in breed in very limited shows. Several were also BIS and BISS winners. Number one Airedale in Canada was achieved in 1976, and in 1993 number one Lakeland in Canada.
Retired from exhibiting in 1994, Nancy is now a Canadian Kennel Club licensed allbreed judge. A charter member of the Canadian Dog Judges Association, she also held the position of editor of the CDJA national newsletter for seven years.
Nancy has been honoured to judge specialties and national specialties in various breeds internationally. She has judged in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, New Zealand, South Africa, Taiwan, and United States. No longer actively breeding and exhibiting, Nancy enjoys ring stewarding, writing fiction, drawing, computers, and reading..
Johannes Schepers (Netherlands)

Johannes started with trimming, shaving and clipping dogs and later progressed to show dogs.
He showed a lot of dogs of different breeds until 1981, by then he had finished 53 Poodle Champions, and also two Giant Schnauzers, one Bobtail, one Lakeland Terrier, one Smooth Fox Terrier champions.
Johannes had to stop showing dogs, due to becoming a judge for his first breed, Poodles off course. From then Johannes added more and more examinations for more breeds, and now he has been licenced for the last eight years to judge All Breeds.
Johannes has been invited to judge all over the world, and has seen some very nice places. Most show-organizers organise excursions to very interesting places such as the beautiful St Basil’s Basilica in Moscow, the Forbidden City and Wall in China, Geysers in Iceland, Alhambra in the south of Spain, to name a few.
Johannes has now retired and is looking forward to more overseas trips to interesting places such as New Zealand.
Elizabeth (Polly) Middleton (NZ)

Her Merrybrook prefix is best known for her long and successful career with Beagles having breed dogs who have become Champions in many parts of the world. Her Upmarket Griffon Bruxellois has had a great influence on the breed in New Zealand, Australia, Finland and other countries.
Her judging career began in the late 60s, and she became an All Breeds judge in 1987. Elizabeth’s international experience includes judging in all states of Australia, including Brisbane and Canberra Royals. She has judged All Breed Championship Shows in Canada, Sweden, Philippines, England, Scotland, Netherlands, South Africa and China.
Miriam Dobson (NZ)
At present Miriam is working in Test B with her young dog Jaunty. She owns, work and shows her Golden Retrievers. Breeding her first litter in 1969 under the kennel name of Moorfield, she has bred many obedience and breed champions. Currently she only owns two, Ridge her older dog is retired.
Miriam really enjoys competing and judging Obedience and has made many friends in the process. It is this spirit of camaraderie that makes it all worthwhile.
“In the past I have also judged and competed in Field Trials.”
Miriam wishes all competitors at this prestigious show all the best and looks forward to judging. Miriam would like you all to remember there can be only one winner but without the other competitors there would be no competition, so go into that ring and enjoy yourselves.
Sheeran Johnson (NZ)
Since then she has had heading dogs – Jock became an OB and WT CH, Laddie a WT CH and Bracken has one TDX. Due to Bracken’s health, Sheeran has at present stopped working him in trials. They have all competed in Agility and Flygility with Jock being the first Flygility CH in New Zealand. Sheeran’s main passion is Tracking.
Winter is 19 months old and hopefully will follow in the others’ paw steps. He certainly enjoys tracking.
Sheeran has been judging for six years and loves to see a team working. She says, “It’s a wonderful achievement for them both when they work well together.”
She would like to thank the National Dog Show for inviting her to judge the UD at the Nationals this year.
Barbara McDonald (NZ)
Barbara would like to thank the NZKC for inviting her to judge Rally-O at the 2017 Nationals.
Her Staffy X, Chopper had recently gained his Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Gold title and she was looking for something else for them to enjoy as a team, Rally-O provided the perfect solution. They enjoyed Rally-O and within a short time Barbara had became a judge. Chopper was competing at Excellent level when sadly he became unwell and they have ceased competing.
Barbara has continued to support and watch the sport develop, she finds it very rewarding to see dogs of differing breeds and age with their handlers achieving titles.
Barbara is now training her young Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Legend who has gained several tricks titles and who loves visiting schools and showing off his skills amusing children with his skateboarding antics and various routines.
Legend is on his way to the competitive obedience ring and will also enter Rally-O in the future.
Barbara is kept busy as a CGC Assessor and the voluntary fostering and rescue work she does with the Auckland Council Animal Shelter.
She wishes all the competitors the very best and looks forward to being part of the Nationals once again.
Libby Ellery (NZ)
I’ve been involved in agility and obedience both as a competitor and judge for many years. I joined Feilding Dog Training Club approximately 30 years ago with a Border Collie X – but I definitely didn’t want to compete, I just wanted to have fun!
That soon changed and I look back now and am thankful I’ve been a part of the best dog sport there is and out of that have had the opportunity of making friends with some amazing people around NZ. I’m currently competing in agility and obedience with Levi, my Border Collie and Tyrion a Miniature Pinscher.
I’ve judged at the Nationals, NDOA and NZDAC multiple times as well as a few overseas appointments and am very honoured to be judging obedience at the National Dog Show this year. I’m really looking forward to this appointment, having the opportunity to judge some of the best dog and handler combinations in our country!